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Bella Italia, Part II — The Borghese

November 25, 2010

Day 2 of my short Roman Holiday brought another chock-full day of adventure … and rain. After four weeks of nonstop sunshine in Israel, this Real Housewife of Tel Aviv was a little disappointed that the weather gods (Greek and/or Roman) were not cooperating for this happy jaunt. Allora.

Our primary destination was the Borghese Gallery, part of the Villa Borghese (the “Central Park” of Rome). Buckets of rain poured forth from the sky — but, Roma Passes in hand, our merry band of intrepid travelers headed off for the Metro.

Traveler’s Note: While the walk from the Barberini metro is lovely, despite a somewhat treacherous traffic circle, in inclement weather I would recommend the Spagna metro stop. From there, you can take underground tunnels to the edge of the park and keep your coat dry, which will be important in a moment.

Triton Fountain at the Barberini Station

The Gallery houses the collection of the extended Borghese family, beginning in the 1600s and expanding through the 1800s. I have no photos (read below), but the museum’s website offers digital images of some of the pieces.

Candidly, I am still awestruck by emotion and passion the artists featured were able to evince from mere stone. This author captures both the images and the impact eloquently: Bernini’s Pluto and Persephone.

Traveler’s Note 2: The Borghese, unlike the Vatican, is actually quite serious about not snapping pictures or carrying large bags. So much so that before you are permitted entrance, you must check your bags, cameras, umbrellas — but not your coat. Keep this in mind as you juggle wallets and passports. And, might I recommend at the end of your visit (there will be an announcement alerting you to the conclusion of your time), sit in the cafe and enjoy an espresso or a panini while the rest of your visiting cohort swarms the coat check to retrieve their belongings.

Traveler’s Note 3: You *must* have a reservation for this museum. Don’t believe anything that suggests otherwise.

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